Industry 4.0 describes the organisation of production processes in which devices communicate autonomously along the value chain (source: Industry 4.0 Policy Department Economic and Societal Policy. 2016. p22-23). Digitalisation technologies can be used to optimise industrial processes and make production in any industry more competitive.
Industry 4.0
Our R&D team works on customized solutions in a variety of industry sectors, based on customer needs and taking into account Industry 4.0 standards.
GrabMax is our industry 4.0 product. A machine vision based industrial and warehouse automatization.
We use IoT technology to collect data, analyse it, share it and control connected devices that do much of the work without human intervention. Users can access all the data, instruct the devices and configure, customise and optimise them.
The PigBrother
PigBrother is one of our IoT products. We observe pigs with cameras and estimate their weight.